How to land a large fish without having them escape - Quora

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Do you have to be very strong to reel in a fish? When fishing with a net do you have to be physically very strong to reel in the fish? - Quora

How do people catch a fish with a smaller fish? - Quora

How can one catch large saltwater fish from shore without using a charter boat or leaving dry land? - Quora

What is the range of time that fish can typically survive out of water? - Quora

What happens to a Betta fish when it gets stressed? - Quora

What are some amazing deep sea creatures and why? - Quora

What is the easiest way to catch a big fish? - Quora

Is it possible to create a self-sustaining ecosystem in an aquarium? - Quora

When I had fish they kept on getting stuck in the filter. How do I get my fish to stop doing that? - Quora

What should I do if a fish dies in my tank? - Quora

Why do most of the freshwater fish have wide mouths? - Quora

If transparency gives transparent fish a survival advantage, why hasn't all sea life evolved to be transparent? - Quora

Can a fish see air out of water? - Quora

How to catch lots of fish on a budget - Quora

Does fishing hurt the fish if you throw them back? - Quora